Welcome to Branch's Trust Center. Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. Use this Trust Center to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.
You can access our Status Page here: https://branch.statuspage.io/
Security Grades
Security Grades
We are constantly monitoring the security of our website. We will post our grades from public security rating agencies when they become available.
Visit and subscribe to Branch's status page here: https://branch.statuspage.io/ From the status page, you can view the current and past operational status of our services and systems. Along with the operational status, Branch also posts information on our planned maintenance dates and times. Subscribe now for automated email updates around future incidents.
The Security Team here at Branch has became aware of the news surrounding a high impact MOVEit vulnerability.
We want our customers to know that Branch is not impacted by this vulnerability. We do not leverage this technology/software within our product and therefore the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our systems remain unharmed.
If you need help using this Trust Center, please contact us.
If you think you may have discovered a vulnerability, please send us a note.